Made by Abigail Loken

Github Account:

For the Hacklcub Arcade Game Jam. The theme was loopholes

Idea Behind this web game (Can you Work with Giz?):

The Idea was that there was kinda of a loophole ???? (problem), with code, to where the player could change the rules of the game. I wanted to challenge myself to try and make a web game, mainly using skills I have learned while making projects during hackclub's arcade summer event.
During the Arcade event , I have made a Rock paper scissors tournamnent website, a random generators website, and a couple of quizes. I leaned on those skills to make this webgame (Skill: Buttons and Functions). While also learning something new.
I learned that there is an attribute in html called "contenteditable"(contenteditable = true), which allows the user to change the display of a page.
I had alot of fun working on this project. This project has inspired me to learn more about game Development, for future Game Jams
Started working on this : August 9th, 2024 around 4:07 pm.
Ended working on this: August 11th, 2024 Around 10:17 am.